Do not hesitate to contact us in case of doubt. Q : What should I know regarding allergies?Ī : If you have common food allergies (peanuts, milk.), remember to check the nature of the ingredients. Please note that Ninoma can not quote this amount, which is solely the customer responsibility.

Under those conventions, you might have to pay import duties prior to get your package delivered. Q : Is my order going to be subject to import duties?Ī : Your country probably has import and export conventions with Japan. Ninoma can not be held responsible if your package returned if its custom clearance failed.
Q : My package is blocked at the custom office!Ī : Your country custom office or postal service should get in touch with you very soon to explain the procedure on how to clear your package. Please refrain from making an unjustified Paypal dispute in such situation, as this may harm our ability to solve the problem. We will then be able to request an official investigation to the international carrier. If your tracking was still not active after two days, please contact so that we can look into the issue.Ī : If you still have not received your package once the theoretical delivery date is reached (please consider the handling + shipping duration), send us an email at "Contact Us" form. Anyways, it might take 24 hours for the Japan Post to scan your package and let the online tracking start.
Q : The tracking code i was given is not working.Ī : Tracking number and shipment notification are sent once your package is ready for shipping. Paypal uses its own change rates for euros, dollars and other international currencies. The price in Yen should not differ between your checkout and the one displayed on Paypal.Ī : We usually recommend using the tracking number we enclosed within the shipping notification email on the following tracking portal : Q : Why the displayed price on the final Paypal transaction page is different from the website cart page?Ī : All transactions are made in Japanese Yen, local currency equivalent are given as information only and updated on a daily basis.